
Staying Healthy with Diabetes

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Staying Healthy with Diabetes

Many people in this country are diabetics. Sadly, my own mom was diagnosed with this chronic disease a few years ago. Since my mom found out she was a diabetic, I’ve been researching ways for her to successfully stay healthy with this disease. One way for diabetics to enjoy good health is by vigilantly taking care of their feet. Getting regular exercise helps with circulation issues in diabetics’ feet. Seeking prompt medical help for wounds in the feet is also essential for diabetics. On this blog, I hope you will discover how podiatrists effectively treat foot problems associated with diabetes.

Everything You Need To Know About Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis occurs when the section of tissue connecting the calf muscles from the heel bone to the back of the lower part of the leg is injured because of overuse. The issue is common with middle-aged individuals who play sports or runners who have an active running schedule. You should be aware of the symptoms and what you can do to prevent further injury to that region of your leg.


Pain, in the form of a mild ache, can become evident in the back of the heel when you are actively participating in sports. The symptoms may become more acute after you perform strenuous activities. You may also have a limited range of motion when your foot is arched.

Stiffness and tenderness will probably be worse in the morning, but will usually improve as you begin the day with some mild activity. Your legs may feel weak, and the skin on your heel may also be warm as an indication of inflammation. If the pain is persistent, you should notify a doctor because it could be a sign of a ruptured Achilles tendon.


The Achilles tendon is used for so many activities including jumping, walking, or running. As the aching process begins, the tendon becomes more vulnerable to injury. Cold weather can also have a negative effect on the sensitive area.

It is best to use a good warm-up routine if you know you will be active. Wearing ill-fitting shoes or high heels every day can also cause problems. Tight calf muscles and obesity can place additional strain on the tendon.

Diagnosis and Confirmation

A physician will examine the affected area to discover where the most severe pain exists. Most cases won't need imaging tests, but you could need an ultrasound, MRI scan, or X-rays. Talk to a doctor at Advanced Foot & Ankle Centers of Illinois to learn more about the diagnosis process and whether you'll need an imaging test.


In early stages, you can use an ice pack for ten to thirty minutes to help reduce the swelling. Other than switching your sports activities, you should wear a boot/brace to prevent your heel from moving. A shoe with a built-up heel can also remedy some of the tension placed on the tendon. In some cases, physical therapy, steroid injections, and taking anti-inflammatory medication for a limited time can help.

If the condition doesn't improve, it may become necessary to receive a surgical procedure to repair the Achilles tendon. If left untreated, the Achilles could rupture and cause excruciating pain in the heel of your foot.

These are just a few of the guidelines to help you better understand Achilles tendinitis. The tendinitis is a degenerative condition and should be properly diagnosed by a professional before you create irreversible damage.