
Staying Healthy with Diabetes

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Staying Healthy with Diabetes

Many people in this country are diabetics. Sadly, my own mom was diagnosed with this chronic disease a few years ago. Since my mom found out she was a diabetic, I’ve been researching ways for her to successfully stay healthy with this disease. One way for diabetics to enjoy good health is by vigilantly taking care of their feet. Getting regular exercise helps with circulation issues in diabetics’ feet. Seeking prompt medical help for wounds in the feet is also essential for diabetics. On this blog, I hope you will discover how podiatrists effectively treat foot problems associated with diabetes.

Keys to Relieving Symptoms Caused by Plantar Fasciitis

If you have plantar fasciitis, you may have inflammation around the heel and thus experience pain quite often around this region of your body. Here are a couple of ways you can find relief from this pretty common condition and subsequently move on with your life. 

Do Something About Your Shoes 

One thing that could be aggravating symptoms caused by plantar fasciitis is the shoes you wear. They may not have the proper shape or could be low on cushioning. Fortunately, both problems are easy to rectify thanks to the many orthotic options currently available. 

If you want to wear the same shoes, you can buy orthotic inserts and thus give your heels the support they need to not be in as much pain. Or you can just buy specialized shoes for this foot-related problem. It's really up to you.

Perform Heel Stretches at Home

If you're looking to manage your plantar fasciitis from the comfort of your home, stretching your heels is one of the most effective treatments out there. This won't take long to do and you don't even need to use special equipment. You just want to focus on exercises that target the right area of your heel that's in pain because of this condition.

You can use resistance bands if you want to give your heels a little more pressure, which might help if you have a lot of heel pain on a particular day. Just remain consistent with this stretching, and try to do it right when you wake up before your pain symptoms start to appear. 

Seek Professional Treatment If You Are Still in Pain

If you try things on your own to deal with plantar fasciitis and you still have heel pain, you might want to consider professional treatment. Then you can give yourself the best chance to find relief in a short period of time, especially if you follow instructions from the podiatrist you end up seeing.

They'll be able to assess this foot-related problem further to see what specific symptoms you're dealing with. Then they'll give you a personalized treatment to pursue, whether it's anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, or a mixture of both.

Those who deal with heel pain on a regular basis may be suffering from plantar fasciitis. It happens to a lot of athletes and people who stand all day for a living. As long as you find out what forms of relief work best for you, this foot problem won't get out of control. 

Look to a medical professional that offers plantar fasciitis treatment to find out more.